About CARG
What is CARG?
Clyde Amphibian and Reptile Group (CARG) is a local group of volunteers which promotes the conservation of the herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles ) in the Clyde area of Scotland. It is one pole of the national network of ARG UK and shares the same objectives :
- To promote the conservation of all native species of amphibian and reptiles and their habitats in Glasgow, Dumbartonshire, Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde.
- To establish and monitor the distribution and status of amphibians and reptiles, including colonies of introduced species.
- To liaise with and provide advice on amphibians and reptiles and the management of their habitats to all relevant statutory and non statutory organisations and agencies and the general public.
- To foster an interest in amphibians and reptiles and their conservation and to develop the skills of those interested in these species.
- To contribute to Local and National Biodiversity Action Plan targets for habitats and species.
History and Constitution
The Clyde Amphibian and Reptile Group (CARG) was established in 1998 by Carol MacLean, biodiversity officer at Glasgow City Council, with support from Jim Foster at Froglife. It was after the successful Glasgow Amphibian Survey (1998) which covered a lot of ground in Glasgow and rallied a good number of volunteers that the decision was made to create a group for the Amphibians and Reptiles conservation in all Clyde Area. The first meeting took place on the 20th of September 1999 at Pollock Country Park. The group now formally meets bi-annually and works throughout the Clyde catchment area to conserve, record, and promote reptiles and amphibians.
Today, the group is co-ordinated by:
Chair: Erik Paterson
Secretary: Ehm Downie - clydeargsecretary@gmail.com
Treasurer & Membership Secretary: Roger Downie - Roger.Downie@glasgow.ac.uk
Minutes Secretary: Ashleigh Wylie
Recording Officer: Richard Weddle - richard@canto.plus.com
Council Members: Salma Rahman, Erik Paterson, & Chris McInerny.